– Simple & Elegant WordPress theme – Free Download Theme
Description – Simple & Elegant WordPress theme – Premium Theme Download – Simple & Elegant One Page / Multipage WordPress theme is based on Bootstrap 3.0 with Visual Composer page builder and Redux framework theme options. Template can be used by creative and design agencies, freelance designers, photographers and other creative souls! The greatest feature is ultra easy editing of a modern “skewed” background blocks. Also sections or elements can be animated with prepared animation. have source layered PSD files, so you can edit or create new design elements.
Simple & Elegant Design
- One page, multi page options
- Responsive & Retina Ready
- Bootstrap 3 grid 1170px
- WordPress 4.8 ready
- WPML ready
- Visual composer 5.1.1
- Revolution Slider
- LayerSlider 6.5.1
- WooCommerce 3.8 (support)
- 4 Layered PSD files
Powerful Theme options
- Display options
- Styling options
- Header options
- Menu options
- Font options
- Social links options
- Contact options
- Default pages options
- Footer options
- Custom code
Custom post types
- Portfolio
- Members
- Downloads
Blog post formats
- Standard
- Aside
- Image
- Video
- Audio
- Quote
- Link
- Gallery
- Chat
Visual composer shortcodes
- Section
- Columns
- Text block
- Message box
- Faq
- Single image
- Tabs
- Tour section
- Accordion
- Video player
- Raw HTML
- Flickr widget
- Progress bar
- Pie chart
- Headline text
- Infobox
- Portfolio
- Testimonials
- Team
- Price box
- Blog
- Separator
- Quote
- Google maps
- Button
- Icon
- Separator text
- Facebook like
- Pinterest Button
- Tweetmeme Button
- Google+ button
- Fun numbers
- Video presentation
- Downloads
- Services
- Features
- Skills
- Web design – theme-starz
- Bootstrap Framework –
- Redux Framework –
- Visual Composer –
- Custom Metaboxes and Fields for WordPress –
- jQuery FlexSlider –
- jQuery Isotope –
- jQuery Validation Plugin –
- jQuery FlexVerticalCenter –
- jQuery Vanillabox –
- jQuery bxslider –
- jQuery Waypoints
- jQuery appear –
- jQuery Placeholder –
- Retina.js –
- scrollReveal.js –
- html5.js –
- Respond.js –
- Selectize.js –
- countUp.js –
- Modernizr –
- Google fonts
- Elegant font
- Revolution slider –
- LayerSlider –
Change Log
Version 2.0 – 23.06.2017
Fixed: Change output date format Fixed: Page titles and slider titles are fixed on mobile phone Fixed: Portfolio shortcode sorting Fixed: Portfolio shortcode sorting #2 Fixed: Tgm change deprecated function Fixed: Vanillabox video shortcode jquery init Fixed: Member inner page, skills color fix Fixed: Portfolio single page (dark version) testimonials color fix Fixed: Footer bug on wide screen fix Fixed: Sprintf() bug on install plugins Removed: Add support redux framework Removed: Lovely-framework locate file Updated: Update to woocommerce 3.0.8 Updated: Update wc-status
Version 1.9.1 – 20.07.2016
- New: WooCommerce 2.6.2 support - New: Google Maps shortcode key support - Improvements: TGM plugins on remote server - Update: Visual composer 4.12 - Update: LayerSlider 5.6.9 - Update: Slider Revolution 5.2.6 - Bug fix: WooCommerce columns option - Bug fix: mobile font size problems
Version 1.9 – 14.04.2016
- New: Options for portfolio/download items - New: Portfolio grid options - New: Select animatiom for posts - Update: Visual composer 4.11.2 - Update: LayerSlider 5.6.5 - Update: Slider Revolution - Bug fix: Header Walker_Nav_Menu for archive pages
Version 1.8 – 27.11.2015
- New: WooCommerce 2.4.10 support - New: Lovely slider added to theme options - New: Option for blog section shortcode, animation none - New: Parallax effect for section - Update: Visual composer 4.8.1 - Update: Revolution slider 5.1.1 - Update: Demo xml files - Improvements: shortcode infobox: add colors for button - Bug fix: adaptive vc_row for new plugin version - Bug fix: mode stretch row and content - Bug fix: set default color for section background - Bug fix: retina logo
Version 1.7 – 05.11.2015
- New: Display options, select post preview: full post, excerpt, only title - Update: Visual composer - Update: Simple Line Icons - Bug fix: update lovely shortcodes for latest Visual composer. - Bug fix: one page menu, redirect for inner pages.
Version 1.6 – 07.10.2015
- New: HTML tags support for contact section - New: Preloader options - Update: Visual composer 4.7.4 - Update: Revolution slider 5.0.9 - Update: LayerSlider 5.6.2 - Bug fix: Visual Composer html content shown in search result - Bug fix: Sanitization title for download carousel shortcode, removed - Bug fix: Google map display
Version 1.5.1 – 29.05.2015
- Update: Visual composer 4.5.3 - Update: TGM plugin activation 2.4.1 - Update: Redux Framework - Update: LayerSlider 5.4.0 - Update: Revolution Slider 4.6.93
Version 1.5 – 20.03.2015
- New: 4 Layered PSD files - Update: Visual composer 4.4.3 - Update: countUp.js - Improvement: Ipad optimization - Bug fix: Team members display fix for 3 members in row
Version 1.4.1 – 30.12.2014
- Update: Visual composer 4.3.5 - Update: Slider Revolution 4.6.5 - Update: LayerSlider 5.3.2
Version 1.4 – 16.12.2014
- Improvements: Visual composer moved to plugin territory (4.3.4 original) - Improvements: Additional styles for captcha
Version 1.3 – 10.10.2014
- New: Option footer button color - New: Option field for "Contact Form." headline - New: Contact form builder, new fields: Mobile, Phone, Captcha - New: Contact form 7 support - New: Option, display lovely contact form or contact form 7 plugin in footer - Updates: Redux framework 3.3.8 - Bug fix: Google maps navigation element, fix - Improvements: Css optimization
Version 1.2 – 18.09.2014
- New: Envato toolkit plugin added - New: Theme options add zoom google map in footer contact section - New: Shortcode porfolio section, sorting order by - New: Blog, previous/next post - New: Shortcode services, content Opacity added - Update: Visual composer 4.3.4 - Update: WordPress 4.0 ready - Improvements: Css changes
Version 1.1 – 08.08.2014
- New: Css effects for shorcodes - Improvements: Scrollto offset position - Bug fix: services shortcode editor text link
Version 1.1 – 05.08.2014
- Initial release
Creator : fruitfulcode
Shared by : themex1
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